With Emily

Come dance with us into a world of limitless possibility, creativity and joy! Experience uplift, healing, growth and expansion in yourself and your connection to others...

Story Dance for Children
Igniting the creative, linguistic, and artistic imagination of 3-5 olds through dance! We bring fables, fairy tales, paintings and music to life through movement -- in a playful, energizing class that stimulates the unique creativity of each child, and promotes cognitive development, physical mastery, self expression, positive social skills in a safe, supportive and joy-filled environment. For children old enough to participate without care-giver's constant assistance… but caregivers are always encouraged to join in the fun! :-)
Next 8 week series TBA. If you would like to set up a Story Dance class with a group of children in your area, please click the button below. An 8 class card is $85 and to drop in is $12.00. Look forward to meeting your child and you, in the dance! :-)

Rites of Passage "Parties" for Girls
Instead of hiring an entertainer or going to the movies, why not offer your daughter a very special kind of "party" -- a personalized rite of passage experience? LifeDance® Rites of Passage parties are specialy tailored to your daughter's needs and intentions. Group building games, playful and expressive dance/movement, creative visualization, art and writing are used progressively to inspire girls to explore and identify their soul's purpose and passion, and be guided to create their own expressive and celebratory ceremony involving make up, face paint, costumes, dance, poetry and/or song, where they will be witnessed, named and honored for their visions and self discoveries. To book your own day, evening and weekend party, and/or if you should need further information, please click the button below.

Rites of Passage "Parties" for Mothers & Daughters
Celebrate the transition of your daughter into womanhood through a special mother/daughter ceremony where a group of mothers and daughters are guided on a playful, loving and archetypal journey to release their past roles with eachother, and embrace their new roles, in order to honor their transition and strengthen their bonds with eachother. The day or weekend experience will be specially tailored to meet the needs and desires of each group, and may include creative visualization, dance, song, creative art and poetry. Each group will create together their own unique ritual to seal their promise and intention to eachother and celebrate their new relationship within a safe and supportive community of mothers and daughters. To book your own day, evening and weekend party, and/or if you should need further information, please click the button below.

LifeDance® with Elders
A joyful, energizing movement experience designed to awaken life force energy and community spirit. Group members engage in a gentle, progressive and revitalizing process of deep breathing and stretching movements combined with moments of rest and reminiscence; engaging playfully in dance movement, often with props, such as balloons, beach balls and stretch bands, to the music of the 40s, 50s and 60s.
The LifeDance® with Elders group experience elicits much laughter, uplift in mood and outlook, as members's spontaneously engage in story sharing, and experience a feeling of mutual support and togetherness with eachother and overall well being in themselves. Elders of all mobility levels are welcome, wheel chair bound elders are especially encouraged to attend. The process is led with sensitivity and support for the needs of each member. To book a class, or to set up a class with a group of elders in your area, please click the button below.