With Emily

"All the means of action -
the shapeless masses - the materials -
lie everywhere about us.
What we need is the celestial fire to change the flint into the transparent crystal, bright and clear.
That fire is genius.”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Crystal Dancing at Cape May, August 23, 2014
A healing and revitalizing movement meditation journey awaits you by the sea. Using crystals, mudras and improvisational dance, we will leave the outer world behind. We will awaken the central energetic systems in the body, and ignite the fire power of our own life force to transform stress and negative emotions, open the heart, bringing healing and balance to body, mind and soul. Crystals provided by Kate Victoria from Rock Star Crystal Gallery serve to enhance and illuminate the journey, and support our intentions for the journey. No dance experience necessary. Beginners are welcome! To register, and for location details and more information, please contact info@gmail.com.
Cost: $45, If you pre-register by August 16, 2014 cost is $40.
What People are saying about Crystal Dancing
"I love dancing with Emily and the crystal dance workshop was a deeply moving experience for me! Connecting to earth energy through crystals, movement, mudra and poetry helped me find a quiet centered space within me that continued to support me for weeks following the experience. Crystal dance is great if seasonal changes are particularly difficult as they can be for me on an energetic level. What a blessed gift to give yourself or a loved friend!"
Karen D. Psychotherapist, Bucks County, PA
"I have a strong interest in crystals, yoga, and dance, and Emily has created a unique program that incorporates all of these aspects of healing into a dynamic combination that energizes the body and calms the mind. The workshops made me aware of the areas in my body that remained disconnected for years as a result of multiple surgeries. Through the movements, mudras, and breathwork with the crystals I felt whole again in a very powerful way, and I was able to release the trauma of the surgeries I had been holding onto for so long and gain mental and emotional strength during that process. I wholeheartedly recommend Emily's workshops to anyone who is in need of nurturing, strength, and healing."
Carolyn K, MT-BC, Music Therapist,
Certified Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner,
Roxborough, PA
“Emily’s nurturing and loving spirit embraces all participants. She creates through her workshop a safe place where there is no judgment or ego, a place where you can allow yourself to be transparent in your process knowing that you are surrounded with Love. I would encourage anyone who desires to be more in alignment with their higher calling and also to those who desire to explore a deeper side of their being, to experience Emily’s Crystal Dancing workshop. You will learn that the path one follows is a magical dance. Emily’s workshop will change your life - it did mine!”
Mike C, Independent Rep at Forever Green, Maryland

Founder, Emily Nussdorfer, MA,BC-DMT
Founder Notes
Emily Nussdorfer, MA, BC-DMT, is a clinically trained, board certified dance/movement therapist and certified Spirit Gateways ® Movement Healing practioner trained by Iana Lahi. She has over 20 years experience performing and teaching dance and theater and 15 years of providing dance-movement therapy services. As a visionary activist, she views the creative and performing arts as vehicles for inner transformation, self-liberation, and self-actualization.